Welcome To The UK Cobra Replica Club
On this site you’ll find out about how the club came to be and how to join, about all the different Marques of cobra and about our social media presence. You’ll also hear about the club sponsored events that go on throughout the year as well as the other events that are not club supported and be able to find the regional pages so that you can find the region you live in and details of the area rep for your region and dates of meets etc. You will also find links towards the club magazine, the club shop (which has a range of merchandise as well as cars and parts for sale), and how to access the club forum. Lastly there will be a section detailing all the new things that may have changed since your last visit, an excellent idea from Steve Hughes, our Northern region rep.
New Advert Section
As a club we are always trying to do things to help our paid members and with this in mind we are pleased to announce that we are using our platform as a sales vehicle for members to advertise their Cobra or Cobra related parts free of charge. Either click on the link under “SHOP” in the top banner or click the button below.
Of course we haven’t forgotten those who, for whatever reason, don’t want to join the club and the same platform is available to non-members but there is a £10 charge for advertising your Cobra and £2 for advertising Cobra related parts.
Thanks to Tommy, we can welcome you to the social media side of the official “UK Cobra Replica Club” We are dragging ourselfs kicking and screaming into a new platform to support our club and fantastic cars. Please come and join in, but remeber to be kind and courteous to all members. If you dont like something just keep it to yourself and keep scrolling. No spamming or sales on this group please, a secondry groups is available for members wishing to sell items.
Short History Of the UK Cobra Club
The UK Cobra Club was formed in April 1987 and is dedicated to replica’s of the AC Cobra marque, both 289 and 427 body styles. You will find information on this site that will make owning a replica AC Cobra a pleasurable experience. Please feel free to meet the committee, look for your local meet in the regions section, join the club or buy merchandise in the shop section or look at the events section and see what’s happening in the near future. Plus don’t forget the Members cobra forum which can be found here.
Once you’ve joined the club you’ll receive a membership card and a copy of the current club magazine, SNAKETORQUE, which is packed full of articles detailing some of the aspects of cobra life, trips out, technical tips, clever work-arounds and build up diaries.
Plus with membership you can also get a good discount from most of the major kit-car insurance companies, just quote your membership number! Lastly there will be special offers purely for members coming soon, watch this space! Go to the shop page for joining options!
Being a member of the club brings you some seriously good benefits all for a small yearly subscription. Most of the well known insurance providers give a discount for club members plus you receive copies of the well renowned club magazine, Snaketorque
Welcome to the shop where you can buy UK Cobra branded Regalia and merchandise, or browse cars and Parts for sale
Please note the disclaimer on the shop page with reference delivery times etc.