2023 Christmas Raffle
Facom 6 piece Ratchet Flat Ring Spanner Set AF, David Ingham, Rochdale, Greater Manchester
Facom 12 Piece Combination Spanner Set AF, Kevin John Davies, Wick, Vale of Glamorgan
Facom 12 Piece Combination Spanner Set AF, Russell Howell, Fleet, Hampshire
Leatherman Wave Multitool, Rob Heard, Hythe, Hampshire
Leatherman “”Wave Multitool, Richard Potter, Barnstead, Surrey
UKCRC Holdall / Overnight Bag, Derek Barnbrook, Claverley, West Midlands
UKCRC Holdall / Overnight Bag, David Wellman, Berkeley, Gloucestershire
UKCRC Holdall / Overnight Bag, Anthony Moloney, Chester, Cheshire
UKCRC Holdall / Overnight Bag, Mark Hagan, Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire
UKCRC Holdall / Overnight Bag, Shaun Warren, Ongar, Essex”
UKCRC Holdall / Overnight Bag, Jeremy Sollick, Crowthorne, Berkshire
UKCRC Holdall / Overnight Bag, Graham Norton, Sheffield, South Yorkshire
UKCRC Holdall / Overnight Bag, Edward Neaves, Teddington, Middlesex
Here is the video of the Christmas raffle taking place.
Thanks from the committee go to Cath Gaskell of JCAutosports who took and provided this video.